31 Mar

Update in Head and Neck Pathology

Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Sala Muntoni
March 31st and April 1st, 2022

A two-day meeting on controversial and update topics in on head and neck pathology shall be held in Florence The teaching program includes lectures and slide seminars and is aimed at emphasizing practical microscopic issues for the diagnostician mainly through the application of conventional histology and cytology, with reference to the appropriate ancillary diagnostic techniques. The course is designed for practicing surgical pathologists, head and neck surgeons, biologists.

Sede del corso
Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio
Sala Muntoni
Via Torregalli, 3
50143 Firenze

Iscrizione entro il :

All participants are required to register using the "online form", which can be found at www.bquadro-congressi.it and to pay via wire transfer.
Online instructions and registration procedure for new users:
By filling the personal data and password fields, you will be registered to Bquadro website; the website will sent automatically a confirm e-mail containing USERNAME and PASSWORD, which will allow you to proceed to the following steps.
Using USERNAME and PASSWORD in the blue reserved area, you will gain access to the "Event calendar" section. The system will automatically retrieve your personal data after selecting month, event and then "Online registration". Please confirm them selecting “Send”. The website will automatically send a PRE-REGISTRATION e-mail for the event.

Come raggiungere la sede congressuale
In auto:
dall’Autostrada A1, uscire a Firenze Nord, proseguire in direzione Firenze fino al termine del tratto autostradale (Peretola) e quindi viadotto Indiano, seguire le indicazioni per l'ospedale
In treno:
dalla stazione ferroviaria Firenze Santa Maria Novella, prendere il bus ATAF numero 6 oppure Tranvia linea 1 in direzione Scandicci
dalla stazione di Firenze Rifredi, prendere il bus 2 scendere abside SMN e prendere il 6 B
In autobus:
linee 6, 27, 27, 83

Numero massimo di iscritti
The course is scheduled for n. 50 participants

Modalità di pagamento
Registration fee:
Total € 231,80 (€ 190,00 + VAT 22%)
The fee includes congress kit, participation to scientific sessions, light lunch, certificate of attendance and ECM certificate.

Payment method:
To finalise the registration to the congress, it is mandatory to send a copy of the wire transfer for the registration fee to bolla@bquadro-congressi.it.

The wire transfer must be headed to:
Bquadro Congressi S.r.l.
Via F.lli Cuzio, 42 - 27100 Pavia
IBAN IT40X0538711300000046066361
In "Cause" box please write: name, family name and “Iscrizione 22_PPR07”

Registration without data for invoice issue or with wrong fee will not be considered valid.
It is NOT possibile to register by phone.
The registration form and the wire transfer copy must be sent to the organising secretariat al least 7 days before the event.
The registration will be considered finalised upon receival of the aforementioned papers.
Each participant will be notified of invoice availability via e-mail.
Copy of the invoice will be downloadable from www.bquadro-congressi.it

The following professional roles will receive Formation Credits upon attending to the congress:
Medical Doctors including, head and neck surgeons, Pathologists, Oncology, Biologists

ECM (for Italian participants only): ID 1777-337806 ed. 1
14,8 ECM credits have been pre-assigned.

Segreteria scientifica
Dott.ssa Tiziana Salviato
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Modena
e-mail: tiziana.salviato@libero.it
Dr. Angelo Cassisa
Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Firenze
e-mail: angelo.cassisa@uslcentro.toscana.it
Prof. Saul Suster
Medical College of Wisconsin
e-mail: ssuster@mcw.edu

Segreteria organizzativa
Bquadro Congressi Srl
Via F.lli Cuzio, 42 - 27100 Pavia
tel: +39 0382 302859
e-mail: bolla@bquadro-congressi.it
sito web: www.bquadro-congressi.it

Scientific Committee and Organizing Secretariat reserve the right to change the programme of the course due to technical and/or scientific reasons.
